Blog 1 : My Introduction to Outreachy
Hello everyone, myself Neelima Mohanty , currently pursuing my BTech in Computer Science and Engineering from Odisha University of Technology and Research , Bhubaneswar , Odisha , India. I am a Sophomore (2nd year) . I have been selected as an Outreachy intern at Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOTOSM) for the May to August Cohort. If you are here at my blog then see the Home page to know briefly about my skills and experience.
My Core Values which motivated me to apply to Outreachy
• Learning and Implementation
Once Benjamin Franklin had said “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” Almost all the tech skills that I have learnt till date have implementations tied along with them. My internships , trainings and small projects are all evidences of the fact that I believe in a continuous and comprehensive process of learning and implementation. I applied to Outreachy on the same ray of hope that each time I make a contribution I will learn something new and implement it.
• Transparency
Quoting the line of Dalai Lama "A lack of transparency results in distrust and a deep sense of insecurity." I always like the workplaces which are transparent and where the process of judgement is crystal clear . Such a place is Outreachy and also the organisation I had applied for (HOTOSM) along with my mentors Petya Kangalova and Rob Savoye. The three steps of Outreachy Open Source program – initial application , contribution period with final application and the internship period shows how Outreachy follows transparency and this really impressed me.
• Teamwork
“Teamwork makes the dream work” said by Bang Gae. During the contribution period of Outreachy , I came across my amazing mentors Petya Kangalova and Rob Savoye who guided me along every step and are still guiding me. Talking to them I felt like if I get selected , we will form a great team together. And here I am with me dream fulfilled.
Another great reason for which I applied to Outreachy is to represent the girls in my country and the world, in this tech industry as well as open source platform.
At the end of this blog , I want to thank Outreachy for giving me this opportunity to be a part of this wonderful program and also to share my thoughts . I would also like to thank my mentors Petya Kangalova and Rob Savoye. Ofcourse my hardwork and my parents' blessings have a great role in my achievement. That's it friends , meet you next time with Blog 2. Till then bye 😊
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