Blog 5 : Not just one Informal Chat
Hello everyone, I am here again with the 5th Blog of my journey as an Outreachy intern. For those who don't know me , I am Neelima Mohanty , selected as an Outreachy intern at Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOTOSM) for the May to August Cohort. If you are new to my blog then make sure you read my previous Outreachy Blogs before going through this blog post.
This is the second last week of my Outreachy internship and I almost feel like I am a part of the HOT Community or in other words I feel like I know many members of HOT already. Apart from my mentors Rob Savoye and Petya Kangalova , the list of members whom I know are Kshitij Raj Sharma , Omran Najjar , Susmina Manandhar and Sam Woodcock . Informal chats with all these people made me more familiar with this community.
Let me introduce all of them to you and what I have learnt from the informal chats with them.
Kshitij and Omran are part of the dev team for fAIr project of HOT . I learnt a lot from each one of them about backend and frontend of that project and understood their work to implement AI in the process of mapping .
I already have written about my interaction with Sam Woodcock in my 2nd Blog . But that was how we came to know each other for the first time . Whereas when I got selected as an Intern , he sent me a message introducing himself and told me that he would like to help me in my technical documentation work in FMTM if I face any issues . Then I came to know that he had been volunteering for FMTM since a long time.
And finally and very recently I met with Susmina Manandhar from Nepal who works as an Associate Project Manager at NAXA one of the partners of HOT .
We together worked for two weeks and prepared the Lightning Talk Video of the FMTM project for Code for All summit. While in these two weeks , we met almost everyday and not just talked about work but she also shared about herself and her University days .
How can I miss the part that every week when I meet with my mentors we always talk about a lot stuff which is informal like Open source conferences , work opportunities and even about coffee 😊. In fact Petya and Rob are the ones who gave me the opportunity to speak in the Lightning Talk at Code for All Summit which is a evidence our Informal chats. I would also like to thank my mentors Rob Savoye and Petya Kangalova again for being with me and assisting me at every step of my journey as an intern . That's it friends , meet you next time with Blog 6. Till then bye 😊
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